Thursday 23 February 2017

Six Basic Terms of Business That One Should know Before Starting a Business

1.      Sole proprietorship:

 A business firm owned by a single person who bears full legal liability for the firm’ debts. In sole proprietorship, business is easy to start, quick decision making and too much money involved.
 2.      Partnership

 A business firm owned by two or more persons with each person bearing full legal liability for the firm’s debts. Partnership is divided into three other forms that is general partnership, limited partnership and limited liability partnership. Persons can form partnership by written and oral agreement.
3.      Corporation

 A business firm that is a separate legal entity from its owners, or shareholders, each of whose liability is limited to the amount of his or her investment in the firm. A corporation is owned and controlled by shareholders. Additionally, it involves double taxation, cost of organization, record keeping, greater regulation, director and shareholder liability.
4. Limited Liability Partnership:

A limited liability partnership is basically a general partnership with the addition of giving the partners at least some limited personal liability. All the partners are protected from wrongful acts and negligence of other partners.
 5. Franchises:

 It involves you using another company’s successful business model to create your own shop, restaurant etcetera. Franchise are for a fixed period of time – from five to 35 years- and cover a location known as ‘territory’.
6 Workers Co- operatives

This is truly an egalitarian form of business that is formed to meet the mutual needs of the workers. All decisions are made by democracy and the profits are shared equally among the people. Cop-operatives follows guidelines principles to work efficiently.

"Six Basic Terms of Business That One Should know Before Starting a Business" Retrieved from:

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